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Deutsche Schule Bombay International



Anna Lena Thiede

Leiterin der deutschen Abteilung


Deutsche Schule Bombay International

76, Bhulabhai Desai Road
400 026 Mumbai

Republik Indien

Lehrer für die Grundschule für Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Kennziffer 1652 · Erstellt am 09.01.2023

We are looking to employ a German as a Foreign Language teacher in Primary to work alongside our existing subject specialist, to accommodate the significant growth of our Primary section. The successful candidate will share the responsibility for the delivery of German as a Foreign language from KG (UK year 1/Germany Vorschule) to Grade 5 (UK year 6). We were originally founded as the German School of Bombay and the teaching of the German Language is enshrined in our articles of registration. Part of the school’s strategic missions is to increase the number of students taking higher level German proficiency exams and having the option to study at University in Germany. To this end, the current subject lead has developed a strong curriculum for the Primary Section that seeks to ensure that students who have been studying with us for a few years reach A1 by the time they move to Secondary. Class sizes are small with no more than 18 children in any one Primary class. This post would teach at both our Campuses. The successful applicant would also be asked to teach a small number of mother tongue students German, and one or two other subjects at Primary level they felt comfortable offering. We are an equal opportunities employer and successful candidates must have a commitment to Safeguarding, Child protection and Diversity and Inclusion. We will take up references to ensure the suitability of all candidates to work with young people. The initial contract is for 2 years – with an opportunity to extend on mutual agreement


Line Manager: Head of Primary
The teacher will be responsible in collaboration with another colleague, for delivering German as a Foreign Language across the Primary section – grades KG – 6 (Deutsches System: Vorschule bis Klasse 5). They will also provide first language German teaching for a small number of mother tongue speakers and will offer one or two other subjects in German to support the language development of these children.
Responsibilities include planning and assessing of learning to ensure that all students graduate from the Primary section with a minimum level A1 in German. There is also an expectation that extra curricular activities to support authentic language learning are
offered by the candidate.
This post will be located at both our campuses.

All teachers:

  • All teachers are expected to comply with and abide by all policies and practices outlined in the staff handbook.
  • The maximum contracted contact hours for teachers is 30 x 45 minute lessons per week.
  • All teachers are expected to ensure that their planning in line with the DSB curriculum, is recorded on the planning tool Atlas.
  • All teachers may be required to provide cover for absent staff as designated as fairly as possible by the Head of Section.
  • All teachers at DSB are expected to stay up to date with their child protection training.
  • All teachers at DSB are expected to actively contribute to child safeguarding by complying with the school code of conduct and always being mindful of student well being and healthand safety.
  • All teachers at DSB are expected to support the school’s policy and practice as outlined in our Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • All teachers meet parents twice a year in child centred conferences (Primary) to provide direct feedback to the parents and student about progress.
  • All teachers provide written reports on the curricular progress child at the end of terms 1 and 3
  • All staff actively engage in the school professional development opportunities and in weekly whole school/section staff and departmental meetings.
  • All teachers are expected to offer at least two genuine opportunities for extra-curricular activities per academic year.
  • All teachers are expected to do their fair share of duties in line with the duty roster.
  • All teachers are expected to have attended some after school events such as performances during the year and all teachers participate in sports day.






7.45 - 15.15 Unterrichtstag, zusätzlich Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen


2 Jahre , verlängerbar


Must have:

  • A valid teaching certification
  • A minimum of two years teaching experience
  • Fluent spoken and written German (C1-C2) 
  • Fluent spoken English

Ideally have:

  • Experience working with mixed ability classes, supporting students with mild specific learning disabilities.

Good to have:

  • A knowledge of India and or experience working in a similar country.

DSB International School is a small values-based school. It is very important to us that teachers are the right fit for our community. Not all good teachers fit in all good schools. As such, the most important thing for us is that you meet our teacher profile articulated below to ensure we have a harmonious staff that contributes to the holistic development of the students.
As such our teachers are:

Encouraged to come up with ideas and suggestions and actively contribute to school initiatives as identified by the school development plan.
Expected to be able to work as a team and to look for opportunities to collaborate with each other and, where relevant, outside partners, locally, nationally and internationally, for the benefit of the students, school or their own personal development.
Expected to look at activities that they have done and evaluate impact, effectiveness and success and to suggest improvements; they do not blame others for their own or joint failings.
Able to understand that every individual is of equal value as a human being and act accordingly. We do not pull rank on colleagues; we are mindful of the feelings of others - especially students; we do not rush to judgement. We act in accordance with the Diversity
and Inclusion Policy ensuring voice and representation to all.
Encouraged to come up with new ideas or suggestions and take advantage of the ‘can do’ culture of the school to innovate.
Able to work without too much guidance and will take the initiative and will provide leadership because we are a small school which believes in encouraging and empowering teacher agency.
Able to modify and adapt to changing circumstances without stress, be able to work with uncertainty and see others’ point of view.
Able to make others feel comfortable and trusting; they are honest about their strengths and weaknesses, are not perfect and do not think they should try to pretend to be.
Sufficiently knowledgeable to teach their subject at the appropriate level in line with the DSB Curriculum and they bring a love of knowledge that extends beyond the syllabus, that enhances the learning experience for students and colleagues.
In possession of the job specific and interpersonal skills needed for their role. They are expected to craft exciting stimulating learning opportunities for students that effectively deliver the content and the attributes of the DSB Curriculum.
In possession of a strong and positive self-image that enables them to engage with all stakeholders on an equal footing; they are able to lead on learning and projects instilling confidence and trust in learners and colleagues, and are able to advocate for themselves,
speak to senior management with honesty, and not afraid to make mistakes; they communicate effectively and are assertive.
Able to understand that their outlook impacts on others; they appreciate the importance of a positive outlook on successful outcomes. We want teachers who can identify solutions to
problems and not problems with solutions! A DSB teacher has a positive outlook on life, and is happy to come to work every day.
Internationally minded
Aware that cultural differences exist and has strategies to address these; appreciates the validity of other cultures than their own; does not try to impose their home culture on the culture of the school, but sees in it the continuum of diverse perspectives. A DSB teacher
knows the difference between higher skill level and cultural superiority and is able where necessary, to deliver this message. A DSB teacher is respectful of the culture they live in and those of the other stakeholders and is able to embed their teaching in local and global contexts.



  • Schule

  • Vorschule und Kindergarten


  • 2. Staatsexamen (Lehramt)

  • Dem 2. Staatsexamen (Lehramt) vergleichbarer, anerkannter Abschluss


  • Grundschule/Primarstufe


  • Deutsch

  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)


  • Accommodation is provided free of charge within two km of the campus at which you are based or mostly based. For staff at Euro Campus, this may be above the school and comes with access to the school pool. Garden Campus is located in the verdant Breach Candy locality which is very much the old exclusive suburb of south Mumbai. Euro Campus is in the hustle and bustle of Lower Parel, a booming area with many upmarket facilities.
  • Return flights economy class tickets are provided annually by the school to your home country.
  • Visa and visa extension costs are reimbursed by the school. The school organises and manages registration with the FRRO and visa extensions within India.
  • Relocation: We have a 100 000 INR relocation allowance that the staff member may use either moving to Mumbai or at the end of their contract.
  • Contract renewal: After two years, the teacher will receive an annual contract renewal bonus of 50 000 INR
  • Salary range: Net salaries in the range of 1740 to 2630 USD pcm
  • Health insurance is provided up to 400 000 INR per annum. This is sufficient for a short hospital stay and operation. We do encourage and help staff take out additional cover which is available at very good rates.
  • Health costs Money can be advanced for health expenses against a 60 000 INR health allowance paid annually in March.
  • Loans Staff may borrow up to three times their monthly salary in cases of emergency.

Weitere Informationen

Contract: full time.

We do consider teaching couples

For international candidates, education of their children in school is provided free of cost.


Please send a covering letter of no more than 1 page outlining how you meet the criteria and your motivation for taking this position plus CV to

Application must be made in English

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