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Twin Cities German Immersion School




Elizabeth Zehnpfennig

Principal / Schuldirektorin




Twin Cities German Immersion School

1031 Como Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103

United States of America

Lehrer/in für die Sek 1 Deutsch plus Beifach (z.B. DaF, Sonderpädagogik, Sport, Kunst, Geschichte)

Kennziffer 404 · Erstellt am 07.01.2025

Der Unterricht in der Sek 1 Stufe findet mit Ausnahme der Fächer Mathematik, Englisch und Spanisch in deutscher Sprache statt, deswegen sind Kenntnisse der Sprachdidaktik von Vorteil.


Full-time position with a teaching load of 30 hours per week (40 hours of attendance per week). Function as class teacher (advisory) with a class size of up to 26 students. Additional tasks include regular team meetings, supervision, active participation in curriculum development and further training.


8. August 2025


30. Mai 2025




Der Jahresvertrag ist jährlich verlängerbar. Wir bevorzugen Lehrkräfte, die mindestens 2-3 Jahre an der Schule bleiben möchten bzw. können.


Teaching qualification for secondary level 1. At least 2 years of teaching experience. 

  • Cultural Competence
  • Willingness to participate in school development
  • Curiosity 
  • Willingness to stay at the school for at least 2 years.



  • Schule


  • 2. Staatsexamen (Lehramt)

  • Dem 2. Staatsexamen (Lehramt) vergleichbarer, anerkannter Abschluss


  • Primarstufe/Sek 1

  • Sek 1

  • Sek 2/Gymnasium

  • Sonderpädagogische Fächer


  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)

  • Geographie

  • Geschichte

  • Kunst

  • Sozialkunde/Politik


  • information session
  • Covering the J1 visa agency costs in the USA
  • Covering the costs for the recognition of German academic achievements
  • Assistance in obtaining the Minnesota Teaching License
  • health insurance (medical and dental)
  • extensive support/care during entry preparation,
  • comprehensive assistance from integration officers after entry (including finding accommodation, opening a bank account, obtaining a SIM card, and much more)
  • upon entry, numerous tips for everyday life and leisure (doctors, cheap shopping, restaurants, parks, sports and fitness facilities)

Base salaries at the school range between $30,000 and $60,000 US per year depending on education level and professional experience.

Weitere Informationen

School profile - school location
The Twin Cities German Immersion School is a 16-year-old American K-8 school with a German-language program. The school is currently attended by around 600 children and young people from kindergarten to 8th grade. The teaching staff consists of 41 American and international teachers. The majority of students are not native speakers and do not speak German at home outside of the school day. We expect openness, flexibility, patience, and adaptability.

The school is located in the immediate vicinity of Como Park, a quiet and pretty neighborhood in St. Paul, Minnesota. Not only Como Lake but the many lakes in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St. Paul) can be used wonderfully for water sports in the summer and for ice fishing or ice skating in the winter.

The country and city
of Minnesota is a relatively large state in the Midwest of the USA, which impresses above all with its hot summers but also cold winters and guaranteed snow! Not only lovers of water sports, but also ski lovers get their money's worth! Minnesota has 75 state parks and is a paradise for anyone who enjoys being outdoors. 

MSP Airport is wonderfully central and from there you can quickly get to other parts of the USA, even for long weekends!

You don't have to travel very far, though, because the Twin Cities also have a lot to offer. From climbing gyms to coffee shops, cinemas, museums, theaters and a large bar and brewery scene, there are also many lakes and parks within the two cities that invite you to take a walk or hang in a hammock.

Information about the employment contract and visa

The school will help you obtain the necessary work and teaching permits for the USA. The J1 visa is valid for 3 years and can be extended once. 

The annual contract can be extended annually. We prefer teachers who want to or can stay at the school for at least 2-3 years, as you naturally need a certain amount of time to settle into the cities and the school and a constant change of teachers does not have a good effect on the school culture.

New teachers receive comprehensive support before and after arrival (including finding accommodation, opening a bank account, obtaining a SIM card, etc.). 

Not only the designated teacher, but also all other colleagues are happy to share numerous tips for everyday life and leisure time (doctors, cheap shopping, restaurants, parks, sports and fitness facilities).

A 2-week orientation at the beginning of the school year is mandatory for new teachers. The date of the orientation week depends on the date of the first day of school. Work begins between August 10th and 15th. The J1 visa is valid from August 1st.

More information about our school can be found at


Please send your application with cover letter, CV and supporting references to

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